Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japan Street Up! Awesome Gyaru-O clothes!

Hi everyone, just a quick post today. I wanted to share you an AWESOME site with you moderately priced Japanese Clothes! My friend from Hysterical Gyaru-Sa actually shared this with me. Check out his blog here...

Here is the site.

Japan Street Up they have a LOT of cool styles of clothes and I plan to buy a few myself! When/if I get them I'll do a full review on the ease of the site, shipping costs, and quality of clothes! For now check the site out and find a cool style for yourself!

-Rock Your Style Everyday-


  1. Those are great clothes for gyaruo style, so many would suit you perfectly!

  2. thanks for saying so Sara!
    now all I need is a bit of extra money!
    I have my eye on a few things in there. =D
