Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Perfecting The Side Twists and Product Review !

Hello there friends! I am back with an update on my side twist style progress. I have been wearing my hair like this everyday since my original post and have been getting better at perfecting the style!
Check out this recent picture!

 Also, I have found an AWESOME version of GATSBY that really works in my hair. If any of you are unaware, GATSBY is a styling product from Japan that is mostly used to get the piece-y Wolf Mane look that many Gyaru-O are famous for! There are many different types of the product, but the one that I am currently using is called Air Rise, it adds a lot of volume to the hair which is what I am always lacking so it's great for me! Here is what it looks like.

The scent is a lovely Green Apple too so it's nice to have your hair smelling like a basket of apples =P

They also have a handy chart describing the effects of the product! So as you can see it adds HIGH volume which is what I wanted.
If anyone is wanting to buy this you can get it from Pretty & Cute Hair Wax/Gel that link! The prices are pretty reasonable and the product lasts quite awhile and shipping is VERY fast! I actually got my current glasses frames from this site as well! I highly recommend it. They offer hair dyes like Palty and other overseas cosmetics and clothing as well! Be sure to check it out.

It's a shame it has been so rainy today and the piece-y bits of my hair were pretty much ruined the moment I stepped outside even with an umbrella =/ I didn't spend too much time on my hair today only because it was raining all day! That's all for today!

-Rock Your Style Everyday-


  1. Oh you are getting the twists to look quite defined now, very cool! Thank you for reviewing the Gatsby product, I think they are quite popular. I never thought about using a men's product, but this one sounds so useful XD

  2. Yea this is probably the best one I used! I have used Wild Shake and Grunge Matte before but they never seemed to help get enough volume! You should try it out! and thanks =D
